March 30, 2012

Spring :: A Photo Challenge

I absolutely love Laura over at Our Reflection! Every week she has a photo challenge.

This week's theme is Spring.

Since you know from my last few posts it is definitely not spring here, but that is not stopping us from doing Springtime activities....


Tea Parties:

Have you ever attended tea parties? As a kid? As an adult? They are so much fun! Read about mine here...

Click on over to Our Reflection for other wonderful Spring pictures. I know I'll be spending time living vicariously through many of the wonderful photos! 

Our Reflection Photo Challenge

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March 29, 2012

Wordless{ish} Thursday...

It seems only appropriate to post a Wordless Wednesday post on a Thursday seeing as how I'm almost 2 days behind schedule! Whoops. I guess life has gotten the best of me and took me for a whirlwind ride. For some reason I have been off a day this entire week. This morning I asked my kindergarten boys to take out their journals (which we only do on Wednesday's) "But teacher, it's already Thursday!" Wow! I guess it's better to be behind a day than to be one day ahead of schedule huh?

Anyway, Bria loves to rip off her diaper and run around in her birthday suit! However, on this particular day, she decided to pee, everywhere. All over her legs, all over the carpet...It was like we had another little puppy around the house!

Clint quickly took her to the bathroom to rinse her off in the sink and she decided to sit down. She decided that this was a good place to play for a little while. So, being the good parents we are, we let her just sit in the bathroom sink and play for a good ole' 15 minutes :).

I think this may be the last time she will be able to fit in the sink, so of course, this Mama took some pictures!

{oh baby, i love your little rattail!}

{oh baby, how your smile makes my heart sing!}

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March 28, 2012

Springtime = Teatime

Spring time. Blooming flowers, fresh grass, warm blue sun, blue sky, birds whistling... I love Spring. 

However in White Mountain? We are months behind schedule! There is still about 4 feet of snow on the ground. It's getting warmer. Still in the single digits, but much warmer. And the melting is going slowly:

This is the first time we have seen the wood on our deck since November! Oh, how it's lovely. 

It truly is the little things in life.

Anyway, on Tuesday we had a ladies get together for our Bible study group. 

We had tea. 

In pretty tea cups. 

It was delightful.

It was uplifting.

It was needed!

{The Spirit of Teatime allows room in the heart for sharing love}

{classic teatime treats :) }

{My good friend Amy and teacher-mate on the left, me on the right}

Getting together with the ladies over tea was probably the best thing that has happened to me this week. I love my family and love spending time with them. But it's so refreshing being able to be surrounded by spiritual women. Women who share stories and life lessons. Women that inspire me to be a Godly woman. Women who make me laugh until my stomach hurts and eyes are watering. 

While we were sharing childhood stories, and laughing I kept thinking of this verse : 
"And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" ~ Matthew 18:3

So, thank you for teatime. 

Thank you for the laughs.

Thank you for the stories.

Thank you for your friendship. 

Thank you for the memories.

Thank you for a childlike evening full of fun! 

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24 Weeks!

Well, it's Wednesday which means I'm two days late in getting this post up. Oh well, at least it's here now right? Not much going on this week, although we are pretty darn excited it's the last week of March! Not so excited that we have gotten about 3 more inches of snow :( ... Summer can't come soon enough! Here is the preggo update for this week:

Did you notice anything? Yup! We have a name for baby girl.....Baylie Ann Shultz! When Clint and I First got together we coached an elementary girls basketball team and there was this sweet, precious little girl named Bailey. One night when we were talking about the team, Clint said, "if we ever have a girl, I want her name to be Bailey." So. When we were thinking of names for our second angel, we remembered the name Bailey! So, we decided to spell it a little differently for individuality's sake. Ann is my mother-in-law's middle name and somewhere there is an Ann on my side of the family but I'm not sure who.

So, what do you think? Yay? Nay? What are your thoughts on the spelling? Could it be a little bit more feminine? This is a hard decision and we would love some help!

Other things that are happening this week with ...Baylie:

your baby's the size of a grapefruit!
Your 10.5-to-11.8-inch fetus weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces and every week she gets closer and closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world.

 your baby at 24 weeks
  • Her see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque.
  • And it's got a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed.

  pregnancy symptoms at 24 weeks

So, no swollen ankles and feet, very few leg cramps, lots of back aches, no Linea nigra so far, and no stretch marks! Yay me. I just hope I don't get any stretch marks. 

I hope all of you have a wonderful day :) 
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March 27, 2012

Photo WAR!

Is it seriously already Tuesday?! Where did Monday go? And why isn't my preggo update up? 


This is why: 

I have been organizing the thousands and thousands of pictures on my computer. What a pain it is! I have multiple folders of the same pictures where I have downloaded them onto my Blog, Photobucket, Facebook, etc. It's ridiculous.

I don't know the best way to organize my photos, but I am determined to figure out user friendly way.

How do you organize your thousands and thousands of pictures? I would LOVE to know and I would HEART you forever if you let me in on your little secret!!

I WILL have my 24 week update posted very soon. I promise :)
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March 25, 2012

Happy Sunday...

                                                               Source: via Tory on Pinterest

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March 23, 2012

A Toddler's Best Friend...

Everyone says that dogs are A Man's Best Friend ... But what they neglect to tell you is that they are toddler's best friend too. Maybe even more so. Ever since Bria was born, Sierra (our Jack Russel) has been glued to her. Following her around like a ... Well, puppy!

Today I was in the kitchen cleaning and I could no longer hear or see Bria. I went through the house (it didn't take long, since it's so small!) and found this:

They are in Sierra's kennel!! 

These two are mischievous. They get into trouble all the time. They are always together. If one's doing something wrong the other is right next to her! Bria feeds Sierra food from the table (I know...I should stop this). Sierra licks Bria until she gets mad and then Bria will ask for more right after.

I swear. It's the most Sweetest relationship! 

Oh, wanna know something else that's pretty sweet? 

"Puppy" was Bria's very first word! 

The photo below is one I'm entering into the Something Sweet photo challenge over at Our Reflection.

If you have some extra time, go over there to get a sweetness fix. There are many, many, many sweet photos! 

Our Reflection Photo Challenge

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Gleeful Things...

Here are just some of the things that are making me feel a little gleeful this week! 

1. Our weather is turning! It felt like Spring after weeks of -30 weather! Woohoo!

2. Fresh produce! Strawberries, Mangos, Kiwi, Tomatoes, Oranges, Cucumbers...and more!

3. Sister hats...I made owl hats for Miss B and Baby Girl! 

4. Nap time: 

5. My crocheting skills are getting better!

6. Bria pretends to blow her nose! 

What makes you gleeful?! 

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With a new season of our lives quickly approaching I have been thinking and praying constantly for guidance. It has been hard thinking about moving back home without a job, a new baby on the way, me staying home and going back to school for my Masters, and a surprise that is being created. A surprise that has been a long-time passion of mine that has been put on the back burner for the last four years.

 All of these changes and we don't know how we are going to survive financially just yet. It can be consuming thinking and obsessing over how we are going to get through it. How are we to manage moving back home not knowing if we are going to be financially stable? This is a conversation that Clint and I have almost every night. What are we going to do if we don't get a job? How long are we going to stay in Ketchikan without a job?

This is where my faith is being tested. We have been tested in our faith before.

"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."
-Hebrews 11: 1-2

In 2010 when I was just finishing up my degree we were wondering if I was even going to get a teaching job here in White Mountain (there are very few teachers: 3 k-8th teachers and 3 7-12th teachers and all have been here 4 or more years) since no one ever seems to retire or move. We started wondering if it was going to be worth it to stay in rural Alaska with all our bills (we own a house in Ketchikan and with that, bills!) We were getting a little worried on what we were supposed to do.

 We started to pray. Heavily we started to pray for guidance. We prayed that a door would be opened to a teaching job if that is what He wanted me to do, or if we should start a family (I had been asking Clint quite frequently if he was ready to start a family and at this point he was starting to!). We prayed about it for weeks and weeks and then one day I was offered the position as the Head Start teacher. It wasn't a district job, but I took it feeling like it was the right thing to do. It was security for the next year. A few weeks later the school district contacted me and asked if I was interested in becoming a teacher for them in the Head Start classroom (they were partnering with Head Start to put certified teachers in all ECE classrooms). I took it and we thanked God over and over for all the doors He opened. A few weeks after  I signed my contract we found out we were pregnant!

At this point, Clint and I were feeling pretty overwhelmed with what was given to us. Here we were worried about the next year and worried about what we were supposed to do. Wondering if I should be teaching or if we should start a family, and here is God saying that He wanted us to have both! To say we were blessed would be an understatement.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be open to you.
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds.
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.  
Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?
If you then, though you are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven
give good gifts to those who ask Him!"
-Matthew 7:7-11

It was a faith-builder for me for sure. Not only did we get what we prayed for, but we also got everything we prayed for. How great is our God!

"For we live by faith,
not by sight."
-2 Corinthians 5:7

Now, I'm not saying that if we have enough faith God will give us everything and anything we ask for. His plan is much greater than we can imagine and gives us what we need. Yet, I've realized (in my own heart) that sometimes we need to cast (meaning: fling, toss, or hurl in a sudden motion) all our cares on the Lord and that he will provide what is best for us and sometimes it's the things we pray for and sometimes it's something totally different-something better! I have learned that:

praying is always worth it and faith is always rewarded.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you"
1 Peter 5:7

With that being said, we are going to live out the rest of our days in White Mountain as best we can. With hope. 
With love. 
With the assurance that God will provide a way. 
With faith...


Have faith!
 It is sweet. It is precious. It is powerful! 
Have faith that He will do what is best for you and yours if you believe.

Cast all your cares on the Lord.
He is our Shepard.
He is our Strength.
He will hold us up with his righteous right hand. 

Has your faith been tested. Has God answered your prayers? Has he done something even greater in your life?
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March 21, 2012

When In Nome...

You go out to eat!

During Spring Break last week we were able to get a quick trip into Nome (a bigger village near White Mountain) for an ultrasound! While we were there we were able to eat not one but two times!! Our dinner stop was at a little oriental place called Twin Dragons. It has some delicious food. You bet we ate our little hearts out - you tend to do that when you don't go out to eat months and months on end (it has been 3 months since we even had the option of eating out)...It was a nice treat!

{We love this place!}

{What a ham! Playing peek-a-boo with Daddy}

{Dad, who are you looking at?}

{Ugh....Need I say more? I look like...I don't know, but it's not pretty! Ha. Need to start wearing make-up. But look at those beautiful eyes my baby has! Gorgeous}

{Sweet baby girl's hair is growing!!}

When in Nome...

You watch Iditarod mushers on Front Street! 

{The finish line of The Last Great Race}

{A rockstar moment!!}

It was pretty awesome to watch a musher come into Nome and finish. Although he was 33rd and it wasn't as hip-happening as the first racer to finish, it was still exciting. What an amazing accomplishment to mush across Alaska for 1,000 miles in winter, with dogs, and by yourself. Amazing! 

You can read more about the Alaska Iditarod here.

It's Spring! I cannot wait for warmer weather!! Bring on the sun!!
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March 20, 2012

23 Weeks & Counting...

There are a lot of numbers running through my head at the moment...

*16 more days until Easter!!
*36 more days until our twin nieces birthday!!
*48 more days until our nephews birthday (double bonus!) 
*60 more days until our last day of work and our last day in White Mountain
*61 more days until we are finally living in our house (it's been four years since it was built)
*70 more days until I start a journey for my love of jewelry making!! (More on this a little bit later!!)
*80 more days until my 25th birthday
*118 more days until we are a family of four and Baby Girl is born!!

Although this pregnancy has been a little lot harder than Miss Bria's was, I can't believe how fast it has gone by... Maybe we didn't find out until week 7 that we were pregnant ( I know, it's a little late but like my Dad says I am the smartest dumb person he knows) ... We still have a lot to do, but since we are in the middle of packing up our current house to move, we don't have a lot of options. We will have to wait until we move to get everything ready for the baby. Luckily and thankfully I will only be 32 weeks when we move. Whew!

Here is the baby bump picture:

{Compare Baby Girl #2 Belly with Bria's Belly here }

Annnd for more of your reading pleasure, here is what The Bump has to say about week 23:

your baby's the size of a pomegranate!
At about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces, baby's not just getting bigger, she's getting even cuter.

your baby at 23 weeks
  • She's forming little nipples (yeah, really!)
  • Her face is fully formed now -- she just needs a little extra fat to fill it out.
  • She's listening to your voice and your heartbeat -- and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking.

 pregnancy symptoms at 23 weeks
You know what? I am experiencing all of these symptoms :( ...

Time to go make chocolate chip cookies and crochet in front of the tube watching Friends :) 

Happy First Day of Spring!!! 
(It's a hot, -35 degrees here today but the sun is out and I can smell Spring)
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March 19, 2012

11 Things and Liebster Award...

One of the greatest things about having a blog (with the exception that family stays up-to-date) is the wonderful people you meet... 

I have been "tagged" by Jen @ Queen Bee's Hive to write about 11 Random things about me and to answer some questions. 

  1. Post these rules
  2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
  3. Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
  4. Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
  5. Tag them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog

11 Random Things About Me:

1. I have always dreamed about being a stay-at-home mamma, doing the cleaning, making dinners for the hubs, homeschooling our children, doing crafts everyday, going to the library, having a green house in the backyard, and have a jewelry business on the side that supports missionaries. This is quickly becoming a reality!

2. I think cats are super-uber creepy and don't really care for them.

3. I believe there is only one true way to eat a cupcake. If you don't eat it like this, well then you're doing it all wrong!

4. I never dreamed that I would have 2 kids under the age of 2- under the age of 30. I love my happy life and wouldn't change it for the world.

5. Besides being a stay-at-home Mommy, my dream jobs would be professional photography and Christian Yoga Instructor.

6. I truly believe that I had the best childhood that anyone could ever ask for. Surrounded by my entire family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...all within the same neighborhood) taking huge family vacations, every Sunday having dinner at G-ma's house. I loved it and strive to give that to our children.

7. I don't drink coffee except my husbands Iced Mochas.

8. I don't like receiving roses. Flowers are pretty and sunflowers are my favorite.

9. My favorite thing in the whole world is camping/fishing/hiking.... Anything outdoors.

10. If I could re-do my wardrobe, it would be a bohemian (mama) style.

11. I could eat sushi morning, noon, and night... And have some for dessert. I love it that much.

Here are the questions from Jen

  1. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? I think I would love to eat cupcakes the rest of my life. Any kind of cupcakes as long as they are in the cute little cupcake papers :)
  2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Oh goodness...I have no idea, all I know is that I would love to own more cowboy boots or these moccasin boots! 
  3. What is your favorite blog to read? (mine, right? hehe) I love love love Enjoying The Small Things and many others, but hers I check a couple times a week to see if she posted anything new! 
  4. If you were not blogging right now what would you be doing? I would be cleaning the house :( ... Thanks blog for allowing me to procrastinate just a little bit longer!  
  5. What is your favorite movie? Peter Pan. Any of them as long as it's the story of the boy who wants to always have fun and never grow up.
  6. Side, back or belly sleeper? All of 'em. I toss and turn like no one's business when I sleep. Although with this pregnancy it's all about the side-my uncomfortable side with a pillow in between my legs.
  7. What book do you recommend? Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortensen
  8. Do you keep your nails painted? No. Every time I paint my nails they chip 5 minutes later. No joke. 
  9. Favorite holiday besides Christmas? Easter or my daughter's birthday...
  10. Favorite phone app? I don't have a phone and have no idea how to use apps. 
  11. Bachelor or Grey's Anatomy? I have never seen either one, so I don't know. We don't have cable television.
And finally, here are my questions that I'm asking: 

1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why? 
2. What is a pet peeve of yours? 
3. What inspires you? 
4. If you could have one day for just YOU what would you do, where would you go, and what would you eat? 
5. Flowers or chocolate? 
6. Coffee or Tea? 
7. What book are you currently reading? 
8. What is your favorite blog or website? 
9. Where do you shop most often? 
10. If you could change your name, what would it be? 
11. What is your favorite childhood memory? 
Jen also gave me a Liebster award! Thanks Jen, you are too sweet :) 

This award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers, as a way of creating new connections. Liebster is German and means 'dearest' or 'beloved' but it can also mean 'favorite'. When you receive the award, you then pass it onto 3-5 other deserving bloggers as a way to pay it back and spread the love. 
These ladies are being tagged for both the 11 things post and the Liebster award! 

I'm going to be tagging : Laurin, Stephanie, Amanda

Rules for passing on the Liebster Blog Award (unless you just passed to me):

  1. Choose 3-5 up and coming blogs to award to with less than 200 followers.
  2. Show your appreciation to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to them.
  3. Post the award on your blog.
  4. Link back to the blogs you are awarding to so that everyone else can pay them a visit.

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