November 26, 2011

Tough-man Contest

Are you tough enough?

This was the question we asked everyone as we started the Tough-man Contest. Clint and the ABKA put together this contest as a fun, healthy activity to do during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. Clint compiled a list of events (see below) and had different age groups compete against each other. We had everyone from 3 year olds to 50 year olds competing! It was too fun, and I'm so thankful that we had a good turn out. We had about 20-30 contestants and about 60 people overall attend the event.

One of our ABKA members graciously asked CAMP and NSEDC for donations to give as prizes for the contestants. Our expectations were passed as we had tons to give away! The winners of the contests were able to pick either water bottles, sweatshirts, Brooks running bags, walking pedometers, and New Testament Bibles!!


Clint welcoming everyone and announcing all the events that will take place. 

The first event Wall Sit:

Pre-k - 1st Grade division:

2nd-5th grade division:

Women's division:

Men's division

The second event, Can Hold:

The Crowd:

The second event, Push Ups:

The fourth event, Crab Crawl:

(so proud of my husband!) 

The fifth event, Kick Pad Sumo Wrestling: 

Unfortunately my camera ran out of memory. Yup. I need to take note that we need more memory cards...There was also another event that I wasn't able to get pictures of, which was the seal hop. If you don't know what the seal hop is, it's an event that they used to do in the older days. It's where you get down in a push-up position, and with one single motion, you hop up on your arms and legs. You continue the motion the full length of the gym. It's hard, but so funny to watch!

We had a successful Saturday, and I think everyone had a great time and went home with at least one prize. Some went home with more than one! We had snacks and refreshments after all the participants hard work! This will be a fun annual ABKA event that Clint and I think will be fun for the community.

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November 24, 2011

Giving Thanks

Every day and night I start my prayers, "Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for all the blessings you have given me."

He has given me a lot of blessings. I am always so thankful for what I have. I have a beautiful, wonderful, amazing life and I couldn't imagine it being any other way.

Sometimes though, during my prayers I never really get into much detail on what I'm thankful for  besides my family, our health, and happiness.

Today is a great day to go into intricate detail on what we are thankful for. It is Thanksgiving after all.

I'm thankful for...

My relationship with Jesus Christ
My husband
My daughter
My family
My dog
My friends
My health
My home
My job
My ability to see, hear, taste,  and breathe

We had dinner at our friends house. I love them. They are like family up here, which it was nice to have since we are so far away from our family.

Holiday's don't seem the same without them. But I'm glad we have such good friends to share these special moments with.

After our feast we played Apples to Apples: Bible Edition (I think this version is so much better than the other ones. You also get a verse on each card explaining where the word came from)

I didn't dominate any of the rounds :( ...

There's always next time though!

Bria with her cheerios and pumpkin bread!

The bread is her new favorite!

Here she is in her cute little Thanksgiving dress. I couldn't get her to stand up long enough for me to take a picture of her.

I'm thankful for today. I'm thankful for how wonderful our lives are with Bria added to our mix.

And, to end our Give Thanks day, here is one of my favorite videos of B so far!

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November 23, 2011


I apologize to those who have emailed, called, left messages, and have been wondering where I have been with updating this blog. 

I am sorry.

 I have been having a wonderful time not worrying about taking pictures of Bria and not worrying about posting pictures. I have been refreshed and renewed for the blog and to give you more pictures of our precious Miss B.

Here are a few pictures since I last posted.

She is a big girl who loves her little puppy from Nana, and she loves walking around the house drinking her sippy cup!

For all of you anxiously awaiting pictures of her, I hope this will suffice until the Holiday weekend is over.

I wish we could be with each and every family member and friends during Thanksgiving. Please know that we are thinking of you and love you all very much!

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November 10, 2011

Bria Vs. Vanilla Wafers

Bria recently discovered Vanilla Wafers. The first time she saw the box, she sat quietly and diligently while trying to get into the box for about 15 minutes. She finally did. My girl. She's just like her Daddy: persistent, and smart! 

She sure is adventurous with food! I hope that never changes :)

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November 7, 2011

Pasghetti Adventures!

Over the weekend, Bria had her first taste of Spaghetti and she absolutely loved every second of it. She ate it all by herself the entire time! It was hilarious to sit back and watch her try and get the noodles in her mouth. She figured out how to slurp the noodle into her mouth and continued to eat that way the rest of the time!

Here is the spaghetti queen:

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November 5, 2011


 Goodness gracious! Our little Peanut is 10 months old today... Sigh... I have such mixed feelings at this age. On one side, I am having so much fun watching her grow and explore new things each and every day, and on the other side, I am torn and saddened. I am sad because she is never going to ever be this small again. I am torn because she is growing more independent. I know it's not like she's a teenager, but in two months she will be one. And in 13 years, she will be a teenager. It happens fast.

Bria loves:
sitting on Sierra's head, blowing raspberries, laying her head on our shoulders, walking without our hands, and all food.

Bria doesn't love:
things getting taken from her, not being able to eat Sierra's food, waking up in her playpen by herself.

Bria's Stats:
I will get them this week!

Some of Bria's Firsts:
9 months and 1 day: Bria stood all by herself while playing with a toy
9 months and 8 days: ate corn for the first time
9 months 10 days: took two steps!
9 months and 11 days: ate blueberries for the first time
9 months and 26 days: first Halloween
9 months and 30 days: ate Spaghetti for the first time

love, love, love, love, love !!!

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