April 30, 2012

29 Weeks!!

It has been quite a while since I had an update for Baby Love huh? I so apologize, the past two weeks have been busy and I haven't felt like taking a bump picture. I thought though, that this baby deserves as much love as our first born, so here it is. I'm back with updates :) ... We finally received our new computer and can now upload pictures (as you can tell from the last two posts!) ...

My bump has gotten so h.u.g.e. not even kidding! I love every moment of being pregnant, even though I am miserable because I know that I'm growing a little human inside of me. It's totally worth it and I can't wait until we meet our baby girl!

How far along: 29 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Will not find out until later this week. Probably a little too much :)
Sleep: Not sleeping well at all. We got rid of some pillows and only have two to work with. 
Best moment this week: Clint talking and kissing the baby! 
Movement: Everyday all day. 
**Stimulation: Bria laughing gets this baby excited. They are going to be besties :) 
Food Cravings: Strawberries
Gender: Another sweet baby girl! 
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out?  In. Stretched. But in and stretched!
What I miss? Sleeping soundly on my tummy, sushi, wine.
What I am looking forward to: Summer time, fishing, crabbing, camping, being outside.
Weekly Wisdom: God is faithful. He will get you through the hardest times.
Milestones: None this week.

Here is big sister giving somev lovins to baby!

What The Bump Says:

Your baby's the size of an acorn squash!
Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, we weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but he's still got a ways to go -- can you believe he'll triple in weight before birth?

your baby at 29 weeks
  • He's getting a little cramped in there, since he's growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you're getting all those jabs and kicks.
  • He's growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it.
  • Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping.

Everything is happening so fast, it's hard to believe that in only three short weeks we will be home. We are going to miss White Mountain so much...And it's even crazier to think that in two months we will have a family of four!

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Playground Fun

The weekends are going by so quickly! I'm glad that we have been taking more pictures lately because it seems to at least slow time down just a little bit. Saturday flew by and we didn't do much, my back has been aching so much so I hardly moved. On Sunday though, it was a tiny bit better and it was nice and sunny out so we decided to head to the playground-which by the way, is half dirt!! It was so cute watching Bria explore the new surroundings as the snow melts!

She was very intimidated being on the slide at first. I didn't think she was going to like it all that much...

Boy, was I wrong. She kept asking for Clint's had to help her up on the slide....

Our baby girl is such a good citizen. She already loves picking up trash and putting in the garbage. Not that we want our little girl touching trash from the ground, it's still a good trait to learn :)

Then we went sliding. This time, they went together.

We had such a wonderful day at the park! I can't wait until we have 2 littles running around the playground!! 

How was your Sunday? I hope it was filled with as much family fun and smiles as ours. It was a precious moment to save in the corners of our memories.

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April 29, 2012

Happy Sunday!

                                                                              Source: prestostore.com via Cheri on Pinterest

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April 28, 2012

Today's {Love} Letters

Dear Peanut, you amaze me in your abilities every single day. Every single day you do something new and exciting. You love playing dress-up (with your own clothes) and you love running around and giving me and your daddy kisses. You are a good eater, and you know how to say a couple of words already (puppy, baby, hi, bye, cracker). You are getting so big so fast. One of the things I love about you is you are always happy (unless you are hungry) and you love, absolutely love to make people laugh. You know you're a cutie and you know how to break smiles on others faces. Don't ever loose that ability, because one day it can change the world, sweets!  Bria, just remember that you love to dance. When you are older, if you feel the need to dance, or if you feel that the world is not a happy place at the moment,dance your little heart out pretty girl, dance fro Jesus and the world will become new again...Plus it's good for the soul. I love you to pieces! 
~The proudest Mama

Dear Baby Love, Oh how I can't wait to see you. As much as I love the thought of you being a daughter to your Daddy and a little sister to Bria, I will miss having you all to myself. Little girl, from your kicks and punches inside me I can already tell you have a zest for life! Your dad, sister, and I will teach you how to Baily, I have no doubt that you will become a fierce woman of God and I can't wait for you to wow this world with your beauty, love, patience, and kindness. Sweet baby girl, enjoy your time in my tummy because sometimes life is tough but just remember that you will always have me, no matter the circumstances. Keep growing up to be a beautiful, strong, healthy baby! We are excited to meet you, love! 
~Your excited Mama! 
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April 27, 2012

Spring Has Sprung {Catch-up Post with Bullet Points}

**Warning: Photo Overload!**

Spring is perhaps the most exciting time of year for me. With the snow finally melting, and colors are starting to pop up again, it's refreshing that we get to see the world with a new perspective! These past two weeks I have been enjoying:

*Fresh flowers from full circle farm. I haven't liked getting flowers in the past because they die a few days later, but this was so special and brought so much color into our home and lives! Thank you Full Circle Farm!

*New change of fresh, organic fruits. Yum! Strawberries are our favorites! We have to get two orders of them because Bria it's one order by herself!

*The warm sunshine on our faces while playing out on the deck

*Watching my tummy grow and grow with this new life inside of me....I know she's just waiting to rock this world with her presence.

*Watching our first born explore the newfound ground beneath all the snow. Watching her grow and learn new things everyday.

*Bria's new bedtime routine (going to bed between 8:00-8:30) so that I can have sweet moments with just my husband.

*Getting outside with my family!

*Watching the river overflow on top of the ice

*hearing seagulls makes us feel like we are at the beach

I hope you have a weekend full of love, hugs, and laughter with the ones that are closest to you! Cherish each and every moment with them.

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Weekly Photo Challenge: From a Low Angle

Okay folks! I have some pictures :) But first I want to show you just one !  It's going to be part of Our Reflections photo challenge. We went out yesterday and it was a perfect Spring day here and we had tons of fun taking photos of Bria finally playing with rocks! It was the very first time she played with rocks and dirt so it was kinda special!

Here is the photo I am entering into the contest.

Isn't her leg just the cutest? I think she had a hard time figuring out how she's supposed to walk on hard, dirt ground! 

Later today I will be posting a catch-all-post about what has been happening the last 2 weeks around the Shultz compound! Stay tuned for some goodies :) 

Have a fabulous Friday everyone.  
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April 23, 2012

I Apologize...

I realize that it has been a while since I have posted on the blog. It's not because I don't have anything to say, actually it's quite the opposite! I have too much to say and at this time can't really get my thoughts together in order to post. I am 2 weeks behind in the baby bump pictures and it's not because I haven't taken pictures (actually I haven't but that's not the reason) ... We have purchased a computer and are waiting for it to come. I don't want to add any more pictures to my school computer. This is the reason for lack of posts. We should be getting our computer on Thursday and hopefully by Thursday night I will have some sweet posts for your eyes :) ...

I hope everyone is having a blessed week, and I will be back soon!

Take Care,
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April 16, 2012

Summer Lovin' : {Foodie Style}

So with the weather being beautiful and warm-er out. I am dreaming of summer! I can't wait to wear my Xtra-tufs (although, I gave away my winter boots and busted them out a little early! I'm so thankful for that!) , sit on the beach and have a bon fire and roast some of these lovelies:

Here is what I want to do to some boots when it's just too darn hot outside for my Xtra-Tufs ! ThoseAlaskanGirls are from Ketchikan and have a plethora of handmade goodness to share. Go here to check them out!!

I hope you find some inspiration for your bon-fire outdoor goodies to eat here :) There are tons of ideas out there! What are your favorites? I would love to know!

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April 12, 2012

26 Weeks {and 3 days}

All I have to say about being pregnant this week is....

I feel great!

I'm not so much "losing weight" as the picture states as I am feeling more fit because of the walking I'm doing. The walking has also helped my back-go figure! I guess I just needed to stop being lazy and get off my booty and work it.

I am feeling so blessed right now. Everything is going just perfect!

God is GOOD!

How far along: 26 weeks + 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure how much. Doesn't matter. I feel wonderful! 
Sleep: Sleeping like a champ lately with only 3 pee breaks! Go me! 
Best moment this week: Having the warm sun on my face and sitting on the deck with a old fashioned hot dog/ potato salad/ baked beans/ chip dinner!! With a banana split for dessert!! 
Movement: Everyday all day. 
**Stimulation: Bria and Daddy playing makes this baby move like no other. 
Food Cravings: Hot dogs.
Gender: Another sweet baby girl! 
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out?  In. Stretched. But in.
What I miss? Sleeping soundly on my tummy, sushi, wine.
What I am looking forward to: The snow to melt and Clint, Bria, Seirra and I can go for nice long walks.
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep whenever where ever you can!
Milestones: None this week. 
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