August 30, 2009

Sunday's are now officially....


Photo is from here

Clint and I decided that, since we've purchased a waffle maker to stay here in White Mountain, we decided that every Sunday would be a waffle day. Meaning that he would make a wonderfully delicious waffle breakfast (say that ten times fast!). They were oh so good.
So -from this date: Aug. 30, 2009- we declare every Sunday to be our Waffle Day!

I can't wait until next Sunday :o)

August 29, 2009


Today I walked to Sweetheart Mountain with my Sweetheart!

It was a good day :)

First Week of School and Annual Picnic!

We are officially done with the first week of school and Clint and I are very happy with the way things went. We absolutely adore the kids and love the atmosphere of the school.

In the K-1 classroom that I have been working in has
*1 Cool teacher that I get to work with
*1 rabbit named Patches
*3 fish
*3 Kindergarteners
*5 First graders
*12 Frogs
During an art lesson taught by James Adcox from Nome, AK

It is an amazing classroom to work in and we are having so much fun!

Clint's class has:
*1 Cool teacher, also my husband :)
*6 girls
*3 boys
*A neat mix of personalities that I think will make a great year!

On Friday we left the school around 11:00 and walked to Scow-John to have the annual picnic.
It was full of fun, food and games: Eskimo baseball!!
Walking to Scow-John

Clint and 2 of his students walking
The men getting the hot dog sticks ready!

Everyone eating the grub...

Eskimo Baseball!

August 23, 2009

Weekend Delights!

This weekend was a short one because Saturday was a teacher workday. Clint and I are holding on to summer as long as we can-School starts on Monday! We decided that today was too pretty out to just relax and stay inside. We went berry picking on a whim and because of that I have no pictures but I think it's okay - how many pictures can you take of blueberries? I think we filled up 3 quart bags full which is a good start! We then came home and grabbed Jack and Sierra to hike up the reindeer corral and to sweetheart mountain! It was so beautiful that on the way back, we decided to make a fire and have some tea!
The walk to Sweetheart Mountain:
The reindeer corral :
Sweetheart Mountain: Pretty:
Clint making some green tea:
Me drinking the tea: Pretty bird, pretty bird:

Hope you had a nice weekend!

August 22, 2009


DISCLAIMER: I have recently been informed that a certain family member of ours was disappointed in this post. So, in the future upon his request I will now be "naming" our family: The prior residents of Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding with the certain family member.

Now that we have all of that cleared up, we hope everything is going well! We love you all and can't wait to see you!

-The Shultz family in Alaska

August 21, 2009


We were invited to go to a woman's camp here last night. It was our "berry picking night" but we decided, "what the heck" and went with P. It was very nice and we were thankful that she asked us to go up the river.

We had a blast. We fished and ate what we caught over a nice fire! It was delicious!
Here are some pictures:

August 19, 2009

Berry Picking!

Blueberries! They are my most favoritest (yes, that can be a word if you really mean it) berry out there. We have had the chance to go salmon berry picking with Holly and Sugar -two lovely ladies from WMO - in their boat, but we haven't been berry picking and with the weather getting colder, we couldn't wait any longer! We decided that we should go look for berries. After our essential packing: bug dope, 2-1/2 gallon buckets, the gun (for bears), and our desire to pick, we decided that it was getting a little late so we would just go find the berries and come back tomorrow. Well, we found the berries..... TONS of berries! So, we decided to stay for a little while and pick. We can't just leave them all there! Boy was that a big mistake! We left the fourwheeler at the beginning of the trail and didn't have our bug dope! The masquitos sure had a picnic. But in the end it was worth it, we picked some -and by some I mean a few - and by few I mean not very much. But, it will be a base for our blueberry pancakes soon!

View from the reindeer curral:

Clint driving on the trail:
The trail:
Mmmm..Yummy:) :
Where we left the rig -big mistake:Our blueberries, I wish we picked enough so you couldn't see the bottom:

Now we know the spot to pick berries. We will be back..very..very soon!

1st day of Student Teaching!

I very much enjoyed my first day of being a student teacher! It was exciting and invigorating, even if I've been working in the educational field for about 4 years.  It still feels different that I'm actually part of something great. I am going to be student teaching under a wonderful woman who has been teaching in the Bering Strait District for over 20 years.  I feel very privileged to student teach under her.

Today, I was working on the classroom - cleaning, and putting things away.  I also was going through each cupboard to see what materials that were available.  I also made signs, and worked on the standards that the kids need to pass for each level (we are on a level system in BSSD, not on a grading scale).  I was also able to sit in the meetings, which gave me a better outlook on what goes on outside of the classroom with the staff members collaborating within the school.  It has been a VERY successful first day of student teaching! 

August 17, 2009

Back to School!

We have officially started work-meetings, setting up classrooms, and getting ready for the kiddos!

I am going to be posting about my journey through student teaching.  Come back frequently for an update on how the year is going, and to see what fun stuff we are doing in our K-1 classroom!

August 16, 2009

My Crafty-ness is back!

When I woke up this morning all I wanted to do was make something. Seeing as how my craft box hasn't yet arrived and I have no jewelry supplies, I decided to go to the computer (and spend countless hours on the craft blogs) and find something fast, easy, and practical to use around the house...So, in the spirit of craftiness and practical-ness, I decided to weave paper coasters! Actually just one, but hopefully I will have the will to make a whole set.
Look how cute!

My coffee/tea cup may be a little too big for this coaster...Maybe next time I'll make on to fit it!
you can find the instructions here it's a fun project to do and you recycle! What could be better?

August 15, 2009

Fun Friday

10:00-We woke up late: always nice to sleep in
12:00-Decided to go for a paddle
1:30-Were at our fishing spot
2:00-Caught our limit of 6!
3:30-Back at home cleaning fish
4:30-Cleaned up eating a nice bowl of Salmon Chowder Clint made.

What a fun day!

August 13, 2009

Chicken Soup!

Last night my wonderful husband made me chicken noodle soup! This is my most longed for dinner while feeling a little under the weather. It wasn't just plain old chicken noodle, it was CHUNKY chicken noodle soup! Full of carrots, peas, mushrooms, onions, chicken, and every other vegetable in our fridge. Here in White Mountain, they do a pretty darn good job with the store and keeping fresh produce in stock. We have been eating so well, and we are happy that it's available to us-at reasonable prices as well!

Some summer memories...

The movie says it all :)

August 12, 2009

Another day we catch our limit...In a canoe!

So today we went out in our canoe again. For me, it was a struggle to want to be outside, let alone paddle 2 hours to our fishing spot-I'm still battling a cold. But, I knew if we went, we would have a good time and I wanted more fish in the freezer!

We headed out around 11:00, finally arrived at camp hammer at 1:15 and fished there all day! We did catch our limit of 6!! Yummm :) We were back home at 6:00, cleaned and put away the fish and were cleaned up and eating a yummy bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup!

Doesn't that just look delicious!

August 9, 2009

White Mountain in pictures

Since I have had this blog, I have received many compliments on how people like reading what I have to say.  I'm pretty sure though, that most of the attention is focused on the pictures I have taken.  I am sad to say that this blog has been neglected throughout the summer as we did not have opportunities to have internet access (which was a blessing in disguise).  However, here and now, I will start updating our lives and our life in White Mountain, Alaska.  So, enjoy this breathtaking, surreal, beautiful place-from the time we left Nome to today:

Clint on our way to the plane:
View from the plane, 10 minutes into the 20 minute flight to WMO:
Our front door after unpacking the endless amounts of boxes, along with our canoe:
Our BIG kitchen! And dining room :):
White Mountain School, home of the Wolves:
Our post office of course! Sometimes, our best friend :) (and clint on our four-wheeler):
An old gas pump:
On our way to Big Rock:
Clint fishing off of Big Rock:
Camp Hammer:
White Mountain at sunset:
The water:
View from the mountain:
The water again:
Clint with dinner:
Me, fishing for some dinner:
Clint using an Ulu to clean the fish:
View of White Mountain from the mountain:
White Mountain with a blanket of Haze:

Looking for Salmonberries:
Picking some Salmon berries:
The water, Again:) :
Clint fishing:
Clint, getting ready to launch our canoe:
He caught it while we were canoeing! (Well, he was fishing, I was paddling):
Ahhh! All done. Now I can go relax with Jack and Sierra:): 
Glad to be back posting:) Come back for more updates!
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