January 31, 2011

It's Time To Celebrate!!

I'm having so much fun with our little one that I am kind of forgetting 'bout this place, but I wanted to make a quick shout out to my mother-in-law because it's HER BIRTHDAY!! 

Happy Birthday Joyce! 
We hope you have a wonderful day =) 

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January 28, 2011

Sleeping Beauty!

It has been amazing being able to stay home and watch Bria and all her amazing-ness. Here is a video that I wanted to share with you.

She makes the cutest little noises and movements while she is sleeping...

I could literally watch her every second of every minute of every day for the rest of my life!

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January 25, 2011

Sweet Savory Fries!

 These fries will change your life!

You will no longer want those icky McDonald's fries or any other fries for that matter...trust me on this.

While baking dinner (salmon to be exact) I remembered we had some sweet potatoes in the fridge from Christmas break. Although we love our sweet potatoes it was time to cut 'em, cook 'em, and eat 'em!!

I found this recipe online Here

Nut Butter Crusted Parsnip Fries

Adapted from Diet, Dessert, & Dogs.
  • 3 medium parsnips (or 2 medium sweet potatoes), peeled and cut into thin fry-like strips
  • 1 Tbsp almond butter
  • 2 Tbsp chunky peanut butter
  • 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp fine grain sea salt
Directions: Preheat oven to 400F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper for easy clean-up. Peel and cut parsnips into fry-like strips. In a medium size bowl, mix together the nut butters, olive oil, and salt. Take parsnips and toss in bowl with your hands until fully coated. Line up on baking pan and cook at 400F for 30-50 minutes until crisp. I cooked mine for 40 minutes, but probably could have left them in another 5 minutes to crisp up even more. They were wonderful!


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A Reflection of Heaven....

"And he said: ' I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven'"

 -Matthew 18:3

Exactly two weeks after Bria was born (my actual due date) we had Bria dedicated to the Lord. We had a beautiful service that was filled with unconditional love. While we prayed for Bria and our new life as a family and for our walk with the Lord, my heart was finally alive. It was one of the most important days of our lives!

This moment was truly a reflection of heaven:

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January 24, 2011

Daddy Time!

Life as a mommy has been wonderfully overwhelming with more love than I could ever imagine....

But seeing the life of a first time daddy-priceless. There isn't even a word to describe such a feeling...

So, without me trying find a word to fill that feeling...

Here are some pictures to show you...

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January 12, 2011

The One Who Makes Our Hearts Sing: Bria's Birth Story

I loved being pregnant. Every single moment. Every time I couldn’t fit into yet another shirt I was literally jumping up and down with excitement. Every time I couldn’t fall asleep because my back ached, even though I was in pain, I was smiling inside… Excited because I knew that I wasn’t alone. I loved knowing, no matter where I was…that I wasn’t alone…that it was me and someone else. I loved watching my belly get huge and round and full of life. I felt the most beautiful while I was carrying Bria inside me. What I wouldn’t give to feel her kick inside of me. Oh, it was divine. As much overwhelming joy and heavenliness that was brought to us this day, I cried inside because I knew that we will never physically be part of each other. I am so very thankful to have experienced something that only a woman’s body could do. I did it. I gave birth to the most beautiful, precious miracle.

So…. anyway, here is the story of how Bria Eden Shultz entered the world. This story will be perhaps the hardest thing I will put into words. How do you describe the most treasured phenomenon of mankind? Here is my attempt…

My day started early on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 3:45 . I remember feeling restless and not knowing the reason for it. I remember feeling a lot of achiness in my lower back. I remember pacing back and forth at my parent’s house not knowing what to do or how to go back to sleep. Finally, at 5:30 I went upstairs and started watching the news with my dad.  It finally was the key to get me sleepy again and around 7:00 I went back to bed.

I remember waking up around 9:30 and ready to get the day started. I cleaned the house, ate breakfast, and started to make the nursing cover that I am going to use with Bria, but by 10:30 the contractions started coming. They were minor ones and weren’t painful so I decided to keep on working and walking around the house trying to fill up my day.

I remember talking to my mother-in-law in between contractions about my OB appointment I had the day before. I should tell you that on Tuesday I was 1 cm dilated, and 90% effaced. My midwife was very excited and said that she wouldn’t be surprised if I had the baby a couple days early. I remember distinctly that she said kept saying, “day’s early”. Little did she know.

I remember getting off the phone around 11:20 and that’s when they started to get a little bit more intense, but still did not hurt. I decided to lie down and watch some T.V. I remember watching A Birth Story and thinking to myself, that’s going to be me in a couple of weeks!  I remember talking to Bria saying how excited I am to meet her…to hold her…to smell her…to feed her…to have her be my everything.
I remember around 12:30 not being able to get up off the couch because of the contractions. They were getting even more intense so I called mom and told her I am having contractions and she should come home. She was home in about 5 minutes. It was a sense of relief knowing that someone was in the house with me. We started timing the contractions and they were close but sporadic.  Mom called the OB and told them that I was having close contractions but they were still inconsistent. One of the midwives told me to take a bath and try to relax and see if that helps with the contractions, because it is most likely false labor and to come in when I no longer can walk or talk through my contractions. Little did she know…

So, mom ran a bath for me while I got my yoga/meditation music all set up. I remember the warmth of the water relaxing every muscle in my body. I remember the music I was listening to fill the air. I remember my meditation practice and used that to get through the contractions. I remember the contractions. Oh how I remember the contractions in the tub. I remember Mom going back to work around 1:00. We decided that it would be okay because I was still talking through my contractions. They still weren’t painful, just a huge discomfort.

Mom came home around 2:00, which is about the same time I was getting out of the tub. I remember walking around the living room and all of the sudden I wasn’t able to stand. I literally fell onto the couch unable to move my body through a contraction. I was still talking through them calmly, but Mom thought it would be a good idea to go get checked at the hospital. She called them to make sure it was okay we stop by.

I remember getting my hospital bags just in case. We arrived at the hospital around 2:30. I remember getting into the gown and having the nurse exam me. I remember her wide-eyed expression and her excitement when she told me that I was already dilated to 7cm. From here, everything happened so quickly.

I was so busy concentrating on the nurses because we didn’t have time to register. So with me being bombarded with questions, them trying to draw my blood, and trying to breathe through the contractions I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. A sense of relief because at that moment, when I was sitting on the bed with a needle in my arm I realized that I was becoming a Mommy. It hit me like a lightening bolt and I started to cry through my contractions. I remember telling my mom to call my cousin Starla and sister Jamie. That’s when Charley arrived with my dad. Dad waited out in the hallway and it was just us girls. By this time, the contractions were getting so strong that I started grunting during them…Not because they hurt-they did hur0t-but grunting during the contractions just felt good and it was totally uncontrollable.   

It wasn’t until around 3:00 that I had to stand up and lean against the bed during a contraction. I remember my entire body shaking uncontrollably as the contractions began to come almost consistently.  That’s when I felt my water break. Then, it was time to push. I remember telling my mom I need to push and her telling me to stop. I remember I couldn’t stop. All I remember is telling her repeatedly, “It’s time to push!! I have to push!!” The midwife was still busy with the nurses getting the equipment and registration ready. It was then that I told the midwife that the baby is coming and I need to push. She came to check on me and at 3:40 and said, “oh yeah, push when you feel like it!”

I remember once I started pushing, which was only 8 sets of 3 pushes and a wide-eyed, 5 lb. 12 oz. Bria Eden Shultz was lying on my chest at 4:07. At that moment, I fell in love. It hit me as hard as it could and she was mine forever…and I was hers. Mom immediately handed me the phone so I could talk to Clint. I remember saying over and over and over again, “Baby she’s perfect. I love you. She’s perfect. You’re a daddy. She’s perfect. She’s finally here!” And Clint saying that he’s so incredibly proud of me and that this is the happiest day of his life. After that, we repeatedly said “I love you” and “I am so happy” for the next 10 minutes with me crying because I couldn’t see him. Him not being there hurt more than the birth itself. But I’m so thankful that our baby girl was healthy and we are now a family of three.

The nurses were amazing. They wiped Bria off, cleared her and checked vitals while she was lying there on my chest. It wasn’t until about 10-15 minutes after that they took her to weigh, measure and clean her. I watched as my dad and sisters, Charley and Jamie went to go check for ten fingers and ten toes. She was perfect.

That night it was just my family sitting around, holding the new addition and the new life that is going to bless us more than we could imagine. Clint and I video skyped all night so he could see his daughter and share the moment with us. I remember Clint and I would stare at her. Not exchanging any words, but our smiles said everything and more.   

Here she is, Bria Eden Shultz. The one who has spent 38 weeks inside me. The one who has completely changed our lives, as we know them. The one who makes our hearts sing with pure and overwhelming joy. 


Tell me she's perfect! 

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1 Week Today...

Today our little peanut is 1 week old. Yup, 7 days she has blessed us with her every joyous presence.

My dear lil' peanut,

You are one week old today, my little one. With each passing day, each passing moment we have risen more and more in love with you. We are better versions of ourselves.  Better parents to you. Better partners to each other. Better people of the world. Because of the love you have poured over us. 

Ever since your birth day you have been tugging on our heart strings. You are a beautiful wonder. You have been gracing your Mama with sleep by waking up only twice at night since your arrival. You are so curious throughout the day that you are awake anywhere from around 8:00-10:00 in the morning. Then you dream beautifully up until 3:00-4:00 and then you are back in action, drinking in the sights and sounds of your world. Falling asleep again around 8:00 pm. Mama can only hope that this is a routine that will last...

You have already shown many different faces, and love the sound of your Daddy's voice. Even though you have yet to be snuggled in his arms you already know that he belongs to you and you him. We have been video Skyping with him everyday and you can't take your eyes off the computer when he talks. 

Bria sweetheart, you are going to be an amazing, strong, beautiful woman. Already you are lifting your head from side-to-side. Already you are so alert and curious while learning about your surroundings. Already you are so content on being in your playpen wide awake with wandering eyes. Already you are grabbing on to fingers and squeezing like you are a month old. Already you have mastered the art of getting both your arms out of your swaddle blanket because you love having your hands by your face. Are you ready to WOW the world peanut? Because you are well on your way. 

Thank you sweetheart, for giving me the opportunity to become a better person because of your love. Thank you for giving your Daddy and I so much joy that we have becoming more loving towards you and each other. Thank you for helping us become better people to the world. 

Forever yours,
Your Mama

Baby Bria talking to her Daddy
January 11, 2010

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January 8, 2011

Going Home!!

Here is day 2 of Bria making the world a better place :)

We were able to go home at 7:00pm from the hospital! It is so nice being in a bed that is comfortable!




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January 6, 2011

Our heart's have been singing!!

Bria Eden Shultz
born on January 5, 2011 at 4:07pm
5 Lbs. 12 oz. & 18 3/4 inches long!!! 

For now, I will show you the most amazing gift god has given our family...When I have more energy I will write up her Birth story! It is truly a one of a kind story and I want to share it. Okay, I actually want to scream it at the top of my lungs on the highest mountain tops! 








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January 5, 2011

All About Bria

This picture is part of the photo shoot we had on top of Scowjon during my 26-27 week of pregnancy. To see more pictures of the pictures, click HERE.

 34 Weeks!

 35 Weeks!

38 Weeks! The morning Bria was born:

I loved being pregnant. Every single moment. Every time I couldn’t fit into yet another shirt I was literally jumping up and down with excitement. Every time I couldn’t fall asleep because my back ached, even though I was in pain, I was smiling inside… Excited because I knew that I wasn’t alone. I loved knowing, no matter where I was…that I wasn’t alone…that it was me and someone else. I loved watching my belly get huge and round and full of life. I felt the most beautiful while I was carrying Bria inside me. What I wouldn’t give to feel her kick inside of me. Oh, it was divine. As much overwhelming joy and heavenliness that was brought to us this day, I cried inside because I knew that we will never physically be part of each other. I am so very thankful to have experienced something that only a woman’s body could do. I did it. I gave birth to the most beautiful, precious miracle.

So…. anyway, here is the story of how Bria Eden Shultz entered the world. This story will be perhaps the hardest thing I will put into words. How do you describe the most treasured phenomenon of mankind? Here is my attempt…

My day started early on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 3:45 . I remember feeling restless and not knowing the reason for it. I remember feeling a lot of achiness in my lower back. I remember pacing back and forth at my parent’s house not knowing what to do or how to go back to sleep. Finally, at 5:30 I went upstairs and started watching the news with my dad.  It finally was the key to get me sleepy again and around 7:00 I went back to bed.

I remember waking up around 9:30 and ready to get the day started. I cleaned the house, ate breakfast, and started to make the nursing cover that I am going to use with Bria, but by 10:30 the contractions started coming. They were minor ones and weren’t painful so I decided to keep on working and walking around the house trying to fill up my day.

I remember talking to my mother-in-law in between contractions about my OB appointment I had the day before. I should tell you that on Tuesday I was 1 cm dilated, and 90% effaced. My midwife was very excited and said that she wouldn’t be surprised if I had the baby a couple days early. I remember distinctly that she said kept saying, “day’s early”. Little did she know.

I remember getting off the phone around 11:20 and that’s when they started to get a little bit more intense, but still did not hurt. I decided to lie down and watch some T.V. I remember watching A Birth Story and thinking to myself, that’s going to be me in a couple of weeks!  I remember talking to Bria saying how excited I am to meet her…to hold her…to smell her…to feed her…to have her be my everything.

I remember around 12:30 not being able to get up off the couch because of the contractions. They were getting even more intense so I called mom and told her I am having contractions and she should come home. She was home in about 5 minutes. It was a sense of relief knowing that someone was in the house with me. We started timing the contractions and they were close but sporadic.  Mom called the OB and told them that I was having close contractions but they were still inconsistent. One of the midwives told me to take a bath and try to relax and see if that helps with the contractions, because it is most likely false labor and to come in when I no longer can walk or talk through my contractions. Little did she know…

So, mom ran a bath for me while I got my yoga/meditation music all set up. I remember the warmth of the water relaxing every muscle in my body. I remember the music I was listening to fill the air. I remember my meditation practice and used that to get through the contractions. I remember the contractions. Oh how I remember the contractions in the tub. I remember Mom going back to work around 1:00. We decided that it would be okay because I was still talking through my contractions. They still weren’t painful, just a huge discomfort.

Mom came home around 2:00, which is about the same time I was getting out of the tub. I remember walking around the living room and all of the sudden I wasn’t able to stand. I literally fell onto the couch unable to move my body through a contraction. I was still talking through them calmly, but Mom thought it would be a good idea to go get checked at the hospital. She called them to make sure it was okay we stop by. 
I remember getting my hospital bags just in case. We arrived at the hospital around 2:30. I remember getting into the gown and having the nurse exam me. I remember her wide-eyed expression and her excitement when she told me that I was already dilated to 7cm. From here, everything happened so quickly.

I was so busy concentrating on the nurses because we didn’t have time to register. So with me being bombarded with questions, them trying to draw my blood, and trying to breathe through the contractions I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. A sense of relief because at that moment, when I was sitting on the bed with a needle in my arm I realized that I was becoming a Mommy. It hit me like a lightening bolt and I started to cry through my contractions. I remember telling my mom to call my cousin Starla and sister Jamie. That’s when Charley arrived with my dad. Dad waited out in the hallway and it was just us girls. By this time, the contractions were getting so strong that I started grunting during them…Not because they hurt-they did hur0t-but grunting during the contractions just felt good and it was totally uncontrollable.   

It wasn’t until around 3:00 that I had to stand up and lean against the bed during a contraction. I remember my entire body shaking uncontrollably as the contractions began to come almost consistently.  That’s when I felt my water break. Then, it was time to push. I remember telling my mom I need to push and her telling me to stop. I remember I couldn’t stop. All I remember is telling her repeatedly, “It’s time to push!! I have to push!!” The midwife was still busy with the nurses getting the equipment and registration ready. It was then that I told the midwife that the baby is coming and I need to push. She came to check on me and at 3:40 and said, “oh yeah, push when you feel like it!”

I remember once I started pushing, which was only 8 sets of 3 pushes and a wide-eyed, 5 lb. 12 oz. Bria Eden Shultz was lying on my chest at 4:07. At that moment, I fell in love. It hit me as hard as it could and she was mine forever…and I was hers. Mom immediately handed me the phone so I could talk to Clint. I remember saying over and over and over again, “Baby she’s perfect. I love you. She’s perfect. You’re a daddy. She’s perfect. She’s finally here!” And Clint saying that he’s so incredibly proud of me and that this is the happiest day of his life. After that, we repeatedly said “I love you” and “I am so happy” for the next 10 minutes with me crying because I couldn’t see him. Him not being there hurt more than the birth itself. But I’m so thankful that our baby girl was healthy and we are now a family of three.

The nurses were amazing. They wiped Bria off, cleared her and checked vitals while she was lying there on my chest. It wasn’t until about 10-15 minutes after that they took her to weigh, measure and clean her. I watched as my dad and sisters, Charley and Jamie went to go check for ten fingers and ten toes. She was perfect.

That night it was just my family sitting around, holding the new addition and the new life that is going to bless us more than we could imagine. Clint and I video skyped all night so he could see his daughter and share the moment with us. I remember Clint and I would stare at her. Not exchanging any words, but our smiles said everything and more.   

Here she is, Bria Eden Shultz. The one who has spent 38 weeks inside me. The one who has completely changed our lives, as we know them. The one who makes our hearts sing with pure and overwhelming joy. 


(Bria 2 day's old)

Tell me she's perfect! 

Picture's coming soon!
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