April 25, 2010

Saturday Splendors!

It has been really weird weather. I feel as if I'm in Ketchikan again! This week has been windy and snowy every morning, but by mid afternoon the sun is shining and the snow is melting. 
It's a vicious cycle.

Today, it was beautiful:

Well, we were able to get a lot done workout on Saturday. 

The day started with doing CS100X (Clint Shultz 100X) . You might find it a little bit like the Insanity or P90X workout- Or a little harder! 

Afterwards we did a little bit 45 minutes of Yoga:
Clint is obviously not bald, and I clearly don't have that nice of a stomach...just yet :)
Do we look like this? Not at all, but it's something we are working towards! 

After we did our Yoga we had a wonderful oatmeal/strawberry breakfast!

We decided that although it wasn't too warm out, it was nice enough to go for a walk around Sweetheart.

This would have been a really cool picture if my fingers weren't in the way! Darn! 

It was too nice out, we decided to walk around Sweetheart twice! 

We calculated about 6 miles after we were all done with the hike. It was so beautiful, but by the end of the trip we were a little sore. It could have been that this Saturday was a Workout day.  Gotta love those right?! 


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