August 11, 2010

17 Weeks

Today marks the first day of week 17 of my our pregnancy!! Since Clint and I are back in White Mountain, and all of our family is elsewhere, I decided to start recapping what I feel and what is going on during the weeks of my pregnancy.  I do have a baby journal, but that has more personal information that I would much rather keep to ourselves (all the little goodness that happens to a woman's body while growing a human being).

So here it is, the first recap at 17 weeks made public:
How far along? 17 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained 6 lbs.
Sleep: I have not been sleeping good as I am at a New Teacher Orientation sleeping on an air mattress, in a school, without my husband.
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move continuously and understanding what that movement is!! 
Movement: A lot. Especially at night, unless I'm just more aware of the fact that the lil bean is in there.
Food cravings: Non to date...
Gender: Don't know yet, but I keep having dreams that it's a boy. I don't know if it's because Clint and my Dad are praying for a boy or not.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Raw Sushi... Hands down.
What I am looking forward to: So many things... But for this week? Being back home in my own bed, with our two fur kids, and my husband.
Weekly Wisdom: Keep romance alive with your husband while pregnant. Do something special for him-he's been taking care of you since the day you found out-take care of him :)
Milestones: Our baby is the size of a Turnip :)

 photo taken from

  17 week picture:

(the picture is blurred on purpose to focus on my lil' belly)


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