October 23, 2011

Kingdom Karate Fun Day!

This last Saturday we put on a Kingdom Karate Fun Day for the kids. We started the practice with a little warm-up and got straight into our activities. We played Marco/Polo, which we changed to Bushido/Kai, which turned out to be a lot of fun, and got a lot of laughs. We then set up an obstacle course for the kids, that included tunnels, mats for tumbling, kick shields, and our newest member B.O.B (Body Opponent Bag) which was donated by the ABKA. We had almost 20 students who attended our practice.

I also gave a message on doing what is right even when no one is looking. Because Christ is always watching us, and he see's everything we do. James 4:17 says, "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." All of our messages are designed to be simple and short to keep students attentive and engaged.

Here are some pictures from our practice:

Giving the message and explaining the obstacle course
Man Made Tunnels
One of my favorite pictures! I love when students are working hard
Everyone saying hi to B.O.B. The girls had fun fixing his handkerchief

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