April 8, 2011

Tea Parties & Easter Story Cookies

Say what?! A post without the word baby or Bria?!


My good friend (they actually feel like family) has been doing a tea party for the ladies here in White Mountain. It's a wondeful time for fellowship and to get to know the ladies better (and to be baby free for a few hours)! Anyway, this last tea party was held yesterday and it was as fun as always.

The hostess demonstrated how to create Easter Cookies! Besides being absolutely delicious with only six ingredients, the ingredients tell the story about Jesus and how he rose from the grave. Every ingredient represents a significant point through the story and is accommodated by a bible verse.

I have written it here for you to try with your kids, or just you. Trust me. It's that cute! It is also a great way to remind everyone what Easter is all about. Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in all the Easter goodness of gift baskets, egg hunts, chocolate bunnies, etc., it's nice to know the reason for all that.

Here it is:

Easter Story Cookie Recipe

Let me know how they turn out! I can't wait until B is older so I can create all the holiday traditions for our little family :)
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