April 25, 2011

Our first family Easter!

Our Easter Sunday couldn't have been more perfect. Okay, it could have been if we were surrounded by all our family. Being away from family on holiday's is pretty much the hardest thing in the world for me. However, we did have an amazing day! It started at 6am because of darling little daughter! She was talkin' away to the wall and would not be quiet. So, I got up with her and we went to see her Easter basket full of stuff from her Awma, Papa, Auntie Erica, Uncle Tony, and all of her cousins....I mean the Easter bunny!

 She was very interested and kept staring with her signature half-cricked smile:

She actually was trying to reach for the bunny when I had her sitting up in her boppy. I couldn't get the picture because I was trying to hold her up :) She loves...loves her bunny!

Getting Ready to head to the Church hunt:

 Cute booties from our family friends in Ketchikan...Thanks Debbie and Bob!

Before the hunt, our friend Mary read the Resurrection story to the kids:

Clint hiding eggs. The snow is still waste deep!: 

Parents and little kids waiting for the whistle to blow:

It takes a real man to wear a baby carrier and his baby...

Kids were sooo cute getting stuck in the snow!

Here we are after the hunt sitting on the deck!

I hope everyone had a spectacular weekend!!!
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