May 8, 2010

Where Have I Been?

You may have been wondering where I have been lately. I finished college, I am a week away from finishing work, and I haven't been blogging? Well actually, I have. I have been creating a new project with Clint! It has been a blast working on it. Almost too much that I have been neglecting this one.  I am still going to recap everything else that we do in our daily lives here, but needed to take some time to do it. So, while he is writing up some running tips for us over at our athletic blog where we show the world how we live vivaciously, I am writing on our family/friends blog. If you have time, you should check it out....after you read this one of course :)

 What have we been doing lately? We have been working out. A lot. It has been a blast.  You can check out our running pictures here or here.

All week, Sierra and Jack have been itching to go for a nice long walk.  Today, since it was warm and not raining (notice how I don't say nice out?) we put on our Xtra-Tuffs and headed out!! They enjoyed every minute of it:

Sierra was thanking Clint because she loved being outside!
Jack, getting stuck in the snow. It's not quite spring yet :)

It was a shorter walk then we usually take them, but that was because the wind was blowing pretty hard when we went towards the river.  This ice is soon to break, and we have seen some overflow:

This week we stopped running on the river, it was making both Clint and I a little nervous while running.

I was talking to a local here and she said that the kids here play on the ice well after the ice has broken and even water skipping with their snow machines. We'll have to keep our eye out for those crazies who try to attempt it!

Just to show you all what we have been dealing with, here is a picture of our front door. Please excuse the temporary gate held together by bungee cords and 550-cord. Clint will be making a nicer one here during the summer :)


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