May 29, 2010

A Lil' Bun in the Oven!!


Since our families, close friends, and employer know...I am willing to shout from the mountains and let the world know we are pregnant! I am still stunned by the "P" word and the fact that it comes out of my mouth like silk. So new, yet so familiar...

On May 14, 2010 I decided that I have been feeling weird for too many days. So I decided that I would take a pregnancy test. I have read that the anticipation of waiting to read the results is somewhat grueling to some hopeful women. For me? I followed the instructions on the packaging, no fumbling, no shaking of the hands, no nerves getting uncontrollable. Before I even set the stick down it was there. The test line showing first, the control line second. I didn't occupy myself aimlessly with chores to do while I wait. I just stared. Stared at the lines that were going to change our lives forever. Before I knew it the five minute mark was up and the line was still there. I simply smiled. No jumping up and down, no yelling for Clint, just a simple smile. You're here little one! Is all I was thinking. I came out of the bathroom and to my surprise Clint was doing the dishes! I told him the test was positive and he also had a simple smile. He came over and gave me a kiss and said, "good!".  We hesitated about telling people right away because we figured it would only be 4 weeks into the pregnancy. We have been waiting for this moment for so long that we couldn't hold it in. Right away he called his parents while I pace back and forth until I called mine.

4 pregnancy tests, and 4 days later the line was showing up faster and darker than the previous ones.  I'm pregnantIt was getting a little nerve wrecking with each passing test in fear of a negative line. I soon pulled out Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy book and proceeded to read the weekly happenings of my body and our lil' bean.

I don't know why but hearing of our pregnancy wasn't any surprise, but a simple relief that we are finally going to make our family.

**As I'm typing this blog post, I currently have my shirt over my nose. See, Clint is cooking beans in the slow cooker and my stomach can't take the smell....This is the first time that I have had a food aversion. Wish me luck! 


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