September 11, 2009

Talk & Tell of Truth

I am a fan of Thich Nat Hahn, the author of True Love. I have read his books and one of my favorite lines has been, " don't worry, the dandelion has your smile". While browsing the internet on one of my blogs that I read (found in the right side bar) was a post that shared a beautiful poem that reminded me about this quote. This was originally found here.

It's a wonderful blog about kindness and love. Check it out!

Dandelion Bokeh, originally uploaded by James McClean.

Bee-ing |
Carol Batton

Listen you Dandelions!
Don't try to be daisies. Don't try to be tall like the trees.
Did some of you try to be pink? Be content - be yellow.
It is not failure if you are not pink Dandelion.
Be the flowers you were meant to be...
but learn from others,
learn from the thin grass
and recover from life's blows,
even from trampling boots,
all is not lost if you remember
you have roots.

Live each summer for itself.
Let it be a beautiful summer that lasts
right up to the second frost.
And in winter go underground and grow;
don't just wait.
You don't have to sing
at the very first day of sun,
but by autumn try to have flowered
at least once.

Wait for the friendly little flies.
Take your turn for the sun to find your spot.
Some colours are unlikely,
others impossible, (probably.)
Much can be achieved in
a short flowering season for which
we have waited all winter.
At any time there may appear opportunities.
Take credit for having flowered when you could.
(Remember some other year)
and add it to your contentment.

It isn't always as easy to be a flower
as the Trees think it is.
Life is a lot of waiting;
things happen slowly.
We do it for the seeds,
we all know that.
No two flowers are ever the same.
Every Dandelion matters! Trust all.
Recognise that we are all flowers, together,
even the Trees are 'sort of flowers'.

Talk flowers, try to talk.
Stop looking at each other askance.
We are all insecure.
Speak to each other.
Communicate your plight.
Share your doubts.
Talk and tell of truth;
It will fill all that waiting,
with meaning.

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