August 8, 2008


Tonight was an amazing night! I only wish I was smart enough to bring the camera along. Tonight we had dinner at one of the teachers house-which was a nice get together before things kick off on Monday for the inservice. There were about 12 of us who showed up. Pork Chops, corn, salad, beans, brownies, and carrot cake-mmmmm...good! It was nice to get to know people outside of the school setting as well. Clint and I-after the dinner-went for a walk on the the beach is full of BIG pebbles. He of course took his fishing pole and actually caught a salmon! It was pretty exciting. We also had an incounter (well just watched from afar) with a Grey Whale who was around for about 45 minutes. He would breach and was pretty small for a whale, but gorgeous none the less. If I only had my camera...I need to remember to take it every where with me! That is one of my goals for the rest of the time I am up, camera, camera. It's really late, about 12:45am.

Love and miss you all.

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