August 19, 2011

I'm Back....

Instead of going back through my pictures for the summer and spend a lot of time trying to remember enough details to make several posts, I'm just going to kick off where we are now. Just know that this past summer was amazing, the first summer with Bria. The first summer as a family. Here is just a couple things we did:

*Helped my parents build a cabin
*Harvested Beach Asparagus and made pickled asparagus as well (post to come soon)
*Went to California to visit my Papa and introduce Bria to her great-grandpa
*Went fishing
*Went hiking
*Spent 5 amazing weeks with my inlaws
*Spent some quality time with my amazing and favorite sisters
*Went to Karate class that Clint put on for the church
*Went to a self defense class
*Harvested Bull Whip Kelp and made salsa, relish, and pickles! (post to come soon)
*Bria had an abundant of firsts. which will be stated in her monthly post (which, I am behind with month 6 and 7! Please be patient)...

Last night however, was another first for Bria. We finally received her walker in the mail and we immediately put her in there. She loves it. We also allowed her to eat peas by herself! To say it was intertaining would be an understatement. She was hilarious, and loved every minute of it!

"All Done!"

I hope this little bitty post satisfied you. The ones who have been asking and asking for me to update the blog. Not only update the blog, but update it with Bria pictures :). I love you all!
Signature for blog...

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