December 16, 2011

Bria has something to tell you....

I can't wait anymore!!

That's right! We are expecting. Again. 

It was a total surprise.

Even when I was nauseated for 23 out of 24 hours, crying because all I want is a sandwich from Subway (we don't have Subway here),  thinking of certain foods made my stomach twirl like a tornado, and the simple fact that all I wanted to do was sleep all day long, the thought of exercising was out the window, and I could feel my pants getting a little tighter to quickly...

I still thought I was coming down with a cold. 

When the "flu" symptoms didn't  subside after two weeks I had a little bit of an idea that it could be a tiny, itty, bitty, possibility that I could be pregnant. 

But we weren't trying. So how could I? 

Well.... on Thursday night 2 weeks ago I had a dream I took a pregnancy test and there were two pink lines. 

The next morning I called the clinic to make an appointment, and as soon as my lunch break started, I went down to pee in the cup. 

After waiting 10 minutes (being naive, mind you) the health aide came to get me. 

She pointed with her eyes towards those two pink lines. 

God truly had other plans for us...

 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  
-Jeremiah 29:11 

Even though we weren't planning on having another child so soon ( I regrettably didn't loose all the baby weight with Bria :S ) I couldn't be happier that our LORD decided it was time for us to create another miracle for our family. for the world. 

It has been a rough, tough ride with morning sickness (sorry if it's TMI), but I know that the outcome of this will be a magical, magnificent, and a miracle of a baby.

Folks, Life As We Know It has changed once again for us. It's exciting. It's scary. It's wonderful. It's amazing. 

It's a blessing!   
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A Love Song...

My heart sings a sweet melody when I see this face.... 

I am so thankful that, for the next 2 weeks, I can look upon this face all day long!

Bria Eden Shultz


11 Months 6 Days 2 hours and 12 minutes old!
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December 14, 2011

Clint's Birthday!!

Clint always teases everyone about how December is his Birthday MONTH. I get a little nervous because I have never done anything to celebrate his birthday month. Or even week. So, this year I decided to do something different.

Way back in September I started thinking about Clint's Birthday and how to make it a memorable one for him. I was pinterest-ing and I came across these lovely ladies and their idea for a husband appreciation week. I thought I would tweak it for Clint's Birthday.

You can find their post at their wonderful marriage blog here: The Dating Divas

                                                                                          Source: via Saam on Pinterest

I wanted to go a step further and create an entire banner count down for Clint: 

For each number on the banner, I contact family and friends of Clint to write him a birthday letter. I had more letters than I had days, so some days he got two letters! My husband is an amazing man, and touches so many lives that I thought it would be awesome if he heard it from them: 

Along with all the letters, he received a gift on random days (a total of 5 small gifts and 2 big gifts)

This was one of the small, handmade gifts, Subway art: 
I also ordered him a Tiramisu cake from Sharis, Berries

It came 6 days late (I ordered it so it would be here on the 6th, but we've had so many snow storms that it delayed the planes, and the mail)....But, to our surprise and our enjoyment, the cake made it on his birthday! To say I was happy would be an understatement. It looked beautiful and tasted amazing. So, if you are ever skeptical on ordering food over the internet, Shari's Berries will not disappoint you!

Clint's "12 Days of Clint" was so much fun to put together and he said that it was one of the best things that he has received for a birthday gift. He was so happy to hear from his family and friends and how they feel and think about him... We've kept all the letters! Thank you so much for those of you who participated and wrote Clint a letter for his special day!
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December 13, 2011

Snowy Day....

Over the last 2 weeks I think we have accumulated about 3-5 feet of snow! It has been so stormy here with blizzard and winds. It has not been a very nice winter. However, this week the temperature has gotten a little warmer. Warm enough for it to snow, but it's still cold enough to not want to be outside for long periods of time. Poor. We love outside. We are upset that this year hasn't brought us a lot of outdoor adventures.

In my attempt to play outside, Bria and I went on the deck and played in the snow before I attempted to shovel. She loved it at first and then hated it, I think her butt was getting wet through the snow suit because it's wet icky snow, not the powder stuff we are used too.

At first I don't know if she wanted to laugh or cry: 

 "Uh, mom? What am I supposed to do now?!" :

"I'm scared to move, Mom! Please help!" :

"Okay, I can get used to this...I think" :

"What is that?! It feels cold..." : 

"This can be fun!" :


On another note: I apologize for not updating the blog on a regular basis. I know a lot of you look on here everyday and are disappointed to not see new pictures of Bria or see what is happening up here in White Mountain. There are some changes that are currently going on, and I have not been in a position to even want to be on the computer, or updating our pictures (by the way, I have hundreds of pictures that I have taken, and not shared... I will soon....I promise). So for now, until I get out of my funkiness, please know that we are here, and are doing well. In the meantime, I pray that your homes are filled with hugs, love, and laughter!
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December 8, 2011

Christmas Time!!

I love Christmas time. I love all the sweet lights and decorations. I love the Christmas music. I love the feel of snow (when we can actually play outside. I'm talking about in Ketchikan, not up here where it has been -40 the past joke). I love the smells of baked goods, and scrumptious foods, and even better eating all the goodies! I love the fact that I get to spend 2 whole weeks with my family. I love the fact that Clint and I don't have to work and we can spend all day every day with our amazing daughter! I love the fact that this year we are having our very first Christmas tree up in our own house! eeek....

I'm very happy and blessed for the life our Lord has given us. But in 10 more sleeps, it's going to be even greater!

These are just some things around the web that I have been falling in love with this Holiday season. I can't wait to recreate some of this either this Christmas, or next.

Hot Cocoa Buffet :

                                                                                         Source: via Tory on Pinterest

An Advent Calendar (Spiritual):
                                                                            Source: via Tory on Pinterest

Adorable Burlap Ornaments: 

                                                                                                  Source: via Tory on Pinterest

Elf On The Shelf: Breakfast At The North Pole:
(so doing this as soon as Bria gets a tad older!)

                                                                Source: via Tory on Pinterest

A 2x4 Christmas Tree.... 
(Perfect for our make-believe cabin...or my parent's!)

                                                                                                    Source: via Tory on Pinterest

Until next time.

I hope your home is full of hugs, loves, and laughter!
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December 6, 2011


So it's that time of the month again to announce that our sweet daughter is 11 months old.... *gasp* I can't believe I have been a mother for 11 months. It is so ridiculously crazy that our baby girl will be 1 year old in thirty days. Thirty.

Bria loves: 
jumping on the bed, waving good bye, carrying her clothes around the house, pushing the buttons on the telepohne/remotes.
Bria doesn't love:
when she doesn't get what she wants right away (aka phone or remotes), when mom leaves the bedroom when it's time to go to bed.

some of Bria's firsts: 
10 months and 12 days: ate gold fish 
10 months 17 days: first time having pumpkin bread
10 months 19 days: first Thanksgiving
10 months 20 days: first time on frozen Fish River in Chariot stroller

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November 26, 2011

Tough-man Contest

Are you tough enough?

This was the question we asked everyone as we started the Tough-man Contest. Clint and the ABKA put together this contest as a fun, healthy activity to do during the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. Clint compiled a list of events (see below) and had different age groups compete against each other. We had everyone from 3 year olds to 50 year olds competing! It was too fun, and I'm so thankful that we had a good turn out. We had about 20-30 contestants and about 60 people overall attend the event.

One of our ABKA members graciously asked CAMP and NSEDC for donations to give as prizes for the contestants. Our expectations were passed as we had tons to give away! The winners of the contests were able to pick either water bottles, sweatshirts, Brooks running bags, walking pedometers, and New Testament Bibles!!


Clint welcoming everyone and announcing all the events that will take place. 

The first event Wall Sit:

Pre-k - 1st Grade division:

2nd-5th grade division:

Women's division:

Men's division

The second event, Can Hold:

The Crowd:

The second event, Push Ups:

The fourth event, Crab Crawl:

(so proud of my husband!) 

The fifth event, Kick Pad Sumo Wrestling: 

Unfortunately my camera ran out of memory. Yup. I need to take note that we need more memory cards...There was also another event that I wasn't able to get pictures of, which was the seal hop. If you don't know what the seal hop is, it's an event that they used to do in the older days. It's where you get down in a push-up position, and with one single motion, you hop up on your arms and legs. You continue the motion the full length of the gym. It's hard, but so funny to watch!

We had a successful Saturday, and I think everyone had a great time and went home with at least one prize. Some went home with more than one! We had snacks and refreshments after all the participants hard work! This will be a fun annual ABKA event that Clint and I think will be fun for the community.

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