December 1, 2014

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!

Ok. I'm a horrible blogger. Just terrible! I have had high hopes for this pace in the blogosphere about posting regularly, getting some great things to review, sharing with you guys what we've been up to. But sadly. I don't have the energy half the time to take pictures, edit them (at least a little bit of worth for the blog) and frankly have been too stinkin' busy! That's it. No more excuses. I want to start December off with a bang. Well, because It's the last month in 2014 and it's my most favoritist month of the year! ( I can use the word favoritist. It's my blog. I can do what I want!)

So to start of December, we had beautiful snowy weather...

The kids were begging to go outside and weren't listening at. all. They were being very rambunctious, loud, and cray-cray. Totally crazy, so instead of keeping them inside so I can pull more hair out I gave in and we all bundled up (which took about an hour to do) and headed out to the snow:

I told the kids to put their stuff away after taking it off. This is the result: 

Noah was napping, so hopefully next snow day he can enjoy the fun! 
Signature for blog...

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