October 7, 2014

3...2...& Now 1 (Noah's First Birthday!)

I haven't been wanting to put this on the blog because then it's real. He's actually truthfully ONE! Ugh. You know, after Noah was born and people would ask if we are going to have anymore kids, I cringe with big eyes and a stern "NO!" But, when I think about Noah being our very last baby and we won't have the baby stuff in the house and a baby crawling around and sitting in a high chair, I question whether we are done? I know we are, but it's really sad that we aren't going to have anymore kids! 

We had a construction Birthday and it was a lot of fun to decorate, but I realized I didn't take enough pictures. GAH! Sorry. 

These were so much fun to put together. I got these awesome plastic construction hats from amazon and in the bags were some colored glasses and a small thing of party play dough. So the kids got their safety hats, safety glasses, and their "dirt". I thought it was pretty clever as I did not get the idea of off Pinterest and am very proud of that :) (I do love pinterest....Maybe a little too much) 

Quick & easy kid friendly food. 
 Clint made these pudding cups and apparently they were pretty good, because by the time I wanted to get one..They were gone. 

My good friend Hannah of 350 Layne made these cakes and she's amazing! Check out her amazing pastries, chocolates, and desserts.

I can't remember how many people we had in our house I think about 20-25? Someone asked if that's the most people we had in our house ever. It was a lot, but it was nice and cozy because it was nice for Noah to be surrounded by people who love him. 

^ Clint and our friend Nick. Both boys are only 3 weeks apart!  I thought this was too cute of a picture not to share. 

He loved this balloon! I love it too and actually is still on the ceiling as I type this. 

Gosh, he's so cute! Our little ONE year old. 

Here is where I found the printables for the cute decorations:

Baby Star Designs

Signature for blog...

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