December 5, 2008


Being on an island, and surrounded by the Bering Sea we have the advantage of experiencing the wind first hand. The Yupik word for wind is "anuqa" (a-new-qwa) the 'q' sound coming from deep within the throat. When I say it, it sounds right but not to the locals. They laugh. It's only natural. Yesterday and today we have had 60 mph winds, and all plane traffic was grounded until earlier today. Clint was a sweetheart and drove back and forth picking up teachers that were walking and giving them a ride. It was nice since the wind can actually push the Honda's back while we are driving. It's that strong. I would take a picture, but it's too cold to take my gloves off! So we left the rain in Ketchikan for the wind here in Gambell(?!).

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