I find myself saying little prayers throughout the day for our baby. Praying to the lord has been an everyday thing for me since I can remember, but lately I find that I am talking to him more frequently and while doing the most random things, eating an orange, watching the students eat at lunch (we are in summer school so yes, I am still watching students at lunch time, walking to and from work and taking the dogs out. I love the fact that I feel so at peace after I get through.
I was looking on the internet tonight for some prayers about pregnancy, not that I need to learn others' prayers because mine are sufficient but because I am looking for
any and
all resources about pregnancy that I can find without spending money!
Here is one that I especially liked:
Father, in Jesus name I worship you. I bless you and give you praise. Father, I come to you in Jesus' name and through the blood of Jesus Christ to ask you to protect and bless the baby in my womb.
Thank you Father, that every good and perfect gift comes from you. I am happy that I am pregnant. You have blessed me with a baby.
Lord you said all that you create or created is good (Genesis 1: 25). I thank you, Father, that the baby already formed in my womb is your workmanship created in true perfection according to your power.
Father, all your works are beautiful and magnificent to behold. They are wonderfully finished. All your works are perfect, for every good and perfect gift comes from you (James 1:17). I thank you for a perfect baby in Jesus' name.
My baby will grow well. I shall put to bed a very healthy child. I cover the baby in my womb with the precious blood of Jesus. ~ Amen
We would love and appreciate
any and
all prayers and well wishes for a happy, healthy baby!!